Yesterday's lockdown task assigned by Tom was a filming task. Usually I would not post about Tom's lessons on my blog as they are mostly focused on Theatre work, but considering that this was a filming task I thought it was worth a mention! We had a meeting on Zoom in the morning and were told to just let our creativity to let it runs it's course. We were given three stimuli. They were three poems, one from the 21st century, One from 1992 and one from 1861. They are all relevant to lockdown. The one I went with was The Orange by Wendy Cope written in 1992. The poem is about the little things in life that make us happy. I knew instantly that I didn't want to take the poem too seriously because even though it is quite a loving and easy going poem I feel that in this time of lockdown everything is very serious and it would be best to inject a bit of happiness and make people laugh with this filming task. I only use my phone to edit the videos that I make so they aren't exactly Ollie Mawson/ Sam Liddell level but I work with what I have! When I first read the poem I knew instantly knew that I wanted to create a character, which ended up being a southern-American housewife character. I decided to make an Orange the focal point of the whole piece. Moreover, I wanted to involve a few of my friends in the monologue because I miss seeing them and would love for them to have a laugh in such a dark time by being included in my little college project! I thoroughly enjoyed this short task which Tom gave us as it was just a little time filler that is creative as well as beneficial.
So here we are … my monologue! All that is left to say is, ENJOY!
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