Fezziwig's Party Dance Rehearsal (The Waltz Steps)

On Tuesday 5th November, we were located at the college to learn the dance routine that we will perform when we film Fezziwig's Party scene. Tom Rymer told our other acting teacher (Tom Guest) that he would like two pieces of choreography for us to perform when it comes to filming for Fezziwig's party. We spent around an hour and a half learning the choreography which I LOVED. I had never danced in this style before and learned that we were doing waltz steps. Personally, I think I picked up the choreography very quickly and I believe that it is much easier to learn when you're enjoying doing it. For other I think it was harder so I did as much as I could in order to help.

This is the choreography that Tom Guest prepared for us. As you can see, it is a very Victorian Style dance and will look brilliant when we film. There are a few things we need to tighten and clean up in order for it to be the best that it can. After re-watching the video I am annoyed with myself because I have my shoulders hunched which I will make sure to work on by the time it comes to filming. Overall, if Tom Rymer is happy with happy with how the choreography looks then that is all that matters as he is the director.
