At the start of our second term at college, Kelly started teaching us about screen writing. The first and most important thing we first learned is that screen writing is the blue print for the whole production. You cannot have anything on screen without an idea (duh!). Over the next few weeks we would continue to write and learn about all things film and TV! The first task Kelly challenged us with was 'Six Word Stories'. Now, a six word story is pretty self explanatory. It is a story that is told in only six words. The example we were given was Ernest Hemmingway's six word story; 'For sale, baby's shoes, never worn.' With this Six Word Story a lot is left to the imagination which Kelly taught us is key because you've got to make the readers mind whir rather than revealing the whole story straight away. I think this was a concept which took everyone a while to grasp because at first we weren't digging deep enough and quite frankly, our stories were boring. Personally, I noticed that the first six word stories that I wrote revealed the whole story at once and left nothing to the imagination. This is a habit I'd like to think I broke out of because after the first 4 there was a clear development being made. As you can see in the photo to the left, Kelly would give us story starters or subjects which our stories should be about. This massively helped as it gave us a little clue into what we should be writing about. I loved the story topics and starters and felt like I could generate a lot of ideas from them at first glance. On the right, you can see my answers and I feel like the more you progress through them, the more you notice an improvement (I mean I'm no Ernest Hemmingway but still!) and after a while, I looked forward to starting the lesson with a six word story!
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