An Introduction to The Coronavirus Time Capsule

The Corona Virus Time Capsule is a set of 23+ video-making challenges completed by young people everywhere. It is part of an international project created by London company, Company Three, set on recording the experience of thousands of young people through the Coronavirus pandemic. Kelly challenged  us with this work in order to showcase the concept of making interesting and factual production, but to also help us stay connected and express ourselves.
Each team that is created must consider a style for their episodes. Each team should consider a style for their episodes. This will include how each challenge is delivered, how each episode is put together, the creation of a 'team brand' and style. We have 3 weeks to complete each episode (there are 5 episodes) and a finished piece should be delivered to Kelly every 2-3 days. Everything must be finished by June 20th as that is when the course finishes.
Let the games begin!
