The Coronavirus Time Capsule FINALE - Episode 5 (The Future)


The Finale. The last episode of The Coronavirus Time Capsule was based on the future. he video tasks this week were;
Video Task 1 - Things I have lost
Video Task 2 - When this is over
Video Task 3 - Timeline
Video Task 4 - A letter to the future
With The Coronavirus Time Capsule being interpreted as a comedy series by my group, I thought I would end it with my videos being comedic. I only completed two tasks this week due to how much work and effort I put into one of my videos. As you know, throughout this series the characters of Claire and mystery man who did not have a name were referenced to quite a lot. My task this week was to make a song that would be the last video of the series from 'Claire's' point of view. I thoroughly enjoyed this and put a lot of energy into filming, acting in and editing this piece. To have a bit more of a presence in the series I also completed Video Task number 2 where I dressed as another character and gave 5 demands for the future. So without further ado I bring you the finale of our Coronavirus Time Capsule!

Overall, I really enjoyed this month long filming task. I was really pleased with my effort and feel as though all of my team worked together really well. There could have been a few more people who pulled their weight abt more as there was one person in our group who did not contribute a video whatsoever. My favourite moment of The Coronavirus Time Capsule was my family interview with Nina as I loved the outcome of it and adore Nina! I wish the circumstances had been different and we could have completed a task similar to this with each other in the flesh, but I suppose it's history in the making. Hope you enjoyed!
