Unknown Theatre Company

Unknown Theatre Company.
Our new student run Theatre Company. We have big hopes for this company and have a few ideas that we are developing as a group. The class have had a few meetings and we have discussed what we can do to kickstart the company. I have brought quite a few ideas to the table when it comes to this company. first one being the name! As a class we had A LOT of debate around the name of the Company. We knew we wanted to use the 'Ufilms Productions' famous U because then all of our branding is already there for us. Ufilms is also a trusted company which we aspire to be like There were a few names thrown around such as 'curtains Up' and 'cUrtain call' but none I was really attracted to. We had a teams groupchat named 'Unknown Theatre Company' whilst we came up with a name then all of a sudden I realised that the name was infront of us all along. We are (at this point) an Unknown set of students trying to set up a business and it's unknown what to expect from us. We have yet to set up Social Medias for the company but when we do I shall link them below! I have made a label on this blog named 'Unknown Theatre Company' where you can keep track of the process and growth of our company.
