The Musicians Research: Russia

As part of my assignment for The Musicians I thought it was only right to carry out research on Russia. I think where you're from shapes you as a person and it would only be right for me to research into Russia if I wanted my character development for this piece to be as in depth as possible.

As part of my research I interviewed my dad who has visited Russia and also completed some research of my own. I documented this in a fact file type video which I will attach below. 

After completing this task I do feel as though I have a lot more knowledge about the history of Russia and I will convey this through my performance in Musicians. I also learner a few fun facts when doing my research;

  • Russia has 11 different time zones and is the largest country in the world. 
  • Russia is more than 1/8 of the world.
  • Russia is the same size as Pluto.
  • Russia has "closed cities", cities that have restrictions on visitors and are sometimes omitted from maps.
  • Japan and Russia still haven't signed a peace treaty to end WW2.
  • There was once a Russian gameshow that would have you steal a car and if you didn't get caught by the police within 35 minutes you won the car. Otherwise, you got arrested.
  • There are 9 million more women than men in Russia.
  • Moscow is home to the most billionaires in the world.
  • Russians are taught not to smile in school.
  • Russians are VERY superstitious.
Overall, I feel much more educated about Russia and look forward to performing now knowing more about the country Alex comes from.
